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01 / Assessment

We begin by understanding the business needs of our customers and conducts a thorough gap analysis of their current landscape.

02 / Tailored

From there, our team of experts creates a tailored integration strategy that is designed to meet their specific requirements.

03 / Scalable

With scalability in mind we ensure that the integration framework can adapt to the evolving needs and growth of the customer's business.

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Meet Dataseashore 

Our Story

Dataseashore was founded by a team of ex-Oracle employees who wanted to simplify data integration and provide customer-centric solutions. With years of experience in Oracle Integration Cloud and Middleware technologies, we saw the potential to create a company that could offer tailored services to meet the specific needs of businesses. Our focus is on delivering solutions that prioritize ease of business, so that our clients can focus on growth and success.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the go-to solution for data integration for businesses of all sizes. We aim to provide the best solutions and services to our clients, focusing on their specific needs and requirements. We believe that data integration should be easy, fast, and secure, and we strive to deliver on that promise every day.

Our Expertise

At Dataseashore, we use the latest technology and tools to provide cutting-edge solutions for data integration. Our team of experts is constantly exploring new ways to improve our services and provide the best possible solutions to our clients. We specialize in Oracle Integration Cloud and Middleware technologies, and our solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses.


Discover Our Integration Success Stories


Integrate production planning, inventory management, and supplier systems to create a connected supply chain. Automate order fulfillment, inventory updates, and procurement processes for improved efficiency.


Connect Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, billing platforms, and appointment scheduling systems to ensure seamless sharing of patient data, enhance accuracy, and reduce administrative overhead.


Integrate banking systems, payment gateways, and customer account management platforms to automate payment processing, reduce errors, and enhance transaction security.


Integrate customer relationship systems, billing platforms, and service provisioning systems to automate billing processes, enable real-time service activations, and improve customer experience.


Integrate e-commerce platforms, inventory management systems, and customer relationship management (CRM) tools to automate order processing, inventory updates, and customer notifications in real-time.


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Dataseashore Technology. All rights reserved.

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